Friday, June 10, 2011

Shabbat Shalom!

I am very sorry that I haven't posted in a while. We are very busy here on the farm with Shavuot this Sunday. This erev was ............not hectic, just busy. We have a bunch of families coming tomorrow and we made a bunch of food. Shabbat is always more appreciated when erev is busy don't you think? Our donkey got out of his pen just before sunset and he started eating our garden, strawberries in particular. We could not find his halter so I just wrapped a dog leash around his neck and clipped it. Once I had it on he is as gentle as a kitten. Not that he is aggressive or anything, but donkeys are known for being stubborn:)

The fireflies are out! after dinner/dessert all the little kids ran around and caught them. Mama held the jar and it filled up rapidly. Days like today remind me how good a family is. When there is only two or three in a family there is less to do. When there is more in a family there is more to do what needs to be done. Shabbat is a day of rest where we can sleep in (usually) so I can stay up pretty late tonight.

Shabbat Shalom,